Cloudy Skies

Rain, thunderstorms, poor viz, strong currents, it's almost like diving back home again! Except the water's a good 23 degrees warmer here so you take the rough with the smooth.....

The ever photogenic snappers and angelfish were out in force today along with the obligatory shoals of triggerfish and fusiliers although the bigger stuff was a bit reluctant to make itself seen this morning.

Still, the dramatic scenery and abundance of colouful sponges more than makes for any other deficiencies and adds an interesting feature to the shots.

Spot the odd one out.......
Switching to macro proved to be a bit more rewarding and not a little frustrating as I found a wonderful little pipe horse fish in the shallows but couldn't get the shot due to the surge, which was a damn shame. When you're exposed out in the open with nothing to brace against, you just got to roll with it, take the shots and hope you get lucky. Or unlucky in my case. Plenty more fish in the sea!

Lovely little rough head blenny posing for the camera
A fringe back nudi performs it's unique balancing act
With a healthy selection of blennies, gobies, shrimp, and nudibranchs, we certainly weren't spoiled for choice of what to shoot next. Although the squat anemone shrimps did make it blindingly difficult to the camera rig in close being in such an awkward position. Think playing twister with seven drunk people, that's the sort of position I had to resort to...............

Not an easy shot....
Thankfully the little tritonia hamnerorum didn't provide any such problems and was quite content to sit there and be the perfect model.

Unlike this bristleworm who couldn't wait to shoot off!

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