Leaving on a jet plane

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Our friend, Kate Clayton, who some of you may know from Tortuga Divers here on Grand Cayman, was involved in a major road accident on the 11th Jan which resulted in serious head and spine injuries with the possibility of permanent paralysis and brain damage which is an utter crime for someone so young and full of energy with their whole life still ahead of them. It's even worse that I had saw her not a few hours before where she hugged me and wished me a happy birthday. :-(

Since then, friends and family have been doing everything possible to raise money to get little Katey home and into proper medical treatment because if you didn't already know, serious injury treatment on this island is not their forte and we don't have the NHS here like back home so the quicker Kate gets into proper medical care, the better her chances for a proper diagnosis and recovery.

The good news (finally) is that Kate's sister, Claire just announced that Kate will soon be on her way back home where she needs to be right now.

However, the family still needs all the help possbile with the medical bills racked up so far and for the future care of Kate.

If you've ever wanted to be part of a good cause, then now is your chance to help someone who has given so much of herself whilst she has been on the island.

Above and below are links to a FunRazr website set up by Kate's sister specifically for people to donate whatever they can towards expenses. The site is secure and legitimate so you can contribute safely.

Please give whatever you can, even if it's only a couple of quid/dollars/euros/whatever as every little helps and it's for such a good cause. If you knew Kate then you'd know she's worth every penny.

Please, please help us out and help spread the word to everyone you know even if they aren't a diver, they can still do one thing worthwhile today. Thank you

Link: HERE

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