12 eyes of evil

Surprise surprise, the weather was forcast for a 19-22 knots Easterly but it only felt like a 12-13 so we only had a few lumps on the trip out to Old No.12 for the first dive.

I don't honestly remember having done this particular site before and there was a chance of seeing sharks but neither sharks or great viz failed to appear on this particular dive. The scenery was ok, but I wouldn't put it on my list of sites to visit especially when there are multiple other sites here that are triple A. Maybe I've just been terribly spoiled........

I did get some shots of Captain Nige in full "angel of death" mode as he rooted out the lionfish from the nooks and crannies.

After a round of muffins we, headed over to Delwyn's Delight which we have done before and is ok but hard work for macro lovers. I think I was off my game today as I failed to find one nudibranch the entire dive.

And of course, you know when you're shooting with a macro lens in not great viz that's when the sharks are going to appear....... unbelievable. I'm sure they do this to taunt me.....

Let's just not talk about. Onwards and downwards to the next dive..........

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